World Society of Victimology

WSV Scholarships- 2018
In 2017 the WSV Executive Committee decided to offer three scholarships, each for 1,000 Euro, subject to strict conditions.
The conditions of the offer are:
- That you are a member in ‘good standing’ of the WSV
- That you are residing in one of the 47 countries listed on either the United Nations List of Least Developed Nations or the United Nations List of Lower-middle Income or Low Income Nations (see )
- That you agree to register to attend the symposium as soon as practical on receipt of the offer and agreement with the terms and conditions
- That you agree to pay all costs above and beyond the sum of the scholarship, which is Euro 1,000.
- That should your costs be less then Euro 1,000 that the WSV will only reimburse the actual sum you spent on attending the symposium.
- That you agree to attend the symposium for its entire duration, including the opening ceremony and reception, all plenary sessions and concurrent sessions throughout each day.
- That you will present the paper for which you have submitted an abstract as per the symposium programme.
- That you will provide documentation, such as receipts, for all costs you incur relevant to the expenditure of the scholarship.
- That you will submit a report of an academically credible standard on the symposium, which the WSV may publish in its newsletter but also provide a copy to the symposium organisers for consideration as they write their report on the symposium.
- That should you not attend the symposium you will reimburse the WSV the full sum of the scholarship or an amount agreed with the Treasurer.
If you accept these terms and conditions AND the WSV awards you a scholarship, the WSV undertakes to pay your registration fee and advance (or reimburse) the remaining sum to you. In other words, the scholarship comprises in total payment of the symposium registration (which the WSV will pay direct to the symposium organisers) and the remaining amount as a contribution towards your other costs, such as airfare & accommodation.
Applications must be sent by email to [email protected] (and copied to [email protected] ) The deadline to receive applications is Friday, 6 April , 2018 at 12 midnight Australian Central Standard Time.