World Society of Victimology

Who we are

The membership of the World Society of Victimology consists of a wide variety of individuals — from students to academics, from interested individuals to government officials — dedicated to improving the plight of victims of crime and the abuse of power around the globe.
Our member’s areas of interest and expertise include, but are not limited to, the fields of:
- Criminal Justice
- Human Rights
- International Relations
- Law
- Law Enforcement
- Legislation and Treaties
- Policy Analysis
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Public / Government Service
- Restorative Justice
- Sexual Assault / Abuse
- Social Services
- Sociology
- Women’s Rights

Our members includes representatives of many agencies, institutions and organizations. These range from local services to those which are regional, national or international in scope.
What we Do

The WSV is very active on the international and regional level, providing its members an opportunity to participate in:

International Advocacy and Consulting
The WSV maintains accredited representatives to the Council of Europe, and to United Nations offices in New York, Geneva, Vienna and at other locations where the UN meets. Accredited members (as approved by the President) may represent the Society events relevant to victim issues. Any member in good standing may apply to the President to be accredited to represent the Society at a specific event, meeting or office.

Advocating for a full UN Convention on Justice and Support for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Ten years after the adoption of the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power by the UN General Assembly, several members of the Society were instrumental in the development of two important instruments meant to further the implementation of the Declaration around the globe. These documents, the Guide for Policy Makers on the implementation of the Declaration, and a Handbook on Justice for Victims provide policy-makers and practitioners with concrete examples of how they can push forward the implementation of the Declaration in their region.
Continuing with this tradition of global advocacy the World Society of Victimology, in partnership with the International Victimology Institute (INTERVICT) of Tilburg University, is currently involved in the development of a full Draft Convention (latest draft).

WSV sponsored workshops, courses and seminars
These are held in many different countries. These have included four international workshops on Victim Rights, on Comprehensive Victim Assistance, on Minorities and Victimology, and on Abuse of Power.
Special two-week Post Graduate Courses in Victimology are held annually in Europe , Japan and South America. Announcements as to date, location and registration will be posted as they are made available.

WSV Committees
In order to help accomplish the mission and goals of the WSV, the Society organizes a number of standing committees, inviting any interested member in good standing to take part.

The Victimologist, Newsletter of the Society
This newsletter has been published since 1982, keeping members informed and involved in Society matters, on news of interest, research within the field, and on victim assistance and victim rights in general. WSV members are encouraged to submit articles or information for publication.
Electronically archived editions of previous editions of The Victimologist are available in Adobe Acrobat Format under Publications on this site.
Members are encouraged to submit articles or news for publication by contacting the Chair of the Publications Committee:

Antony Pemberton, Professor PhD
Professor of Victimology & Director, International Victimology Institute Tilburg University