World Society of Victimology

Strategic Plan: 2024-2027
A world without victimisation
To promote Victimology as a scientific endeavour; and, advocate for laws and policy that enhance victims’ rights and improve victim assistance to enable timely, fair and equitable access to justice for all victims and survivors.
Our Values
Truth > Respect > Collaboration > Engagement > Courage > Resolve >
Goal One
Improve victims’ access to justice and assistance
WSV is a partner with international organisations, governments and civil society (including NGOs) in advancing victims’ rights and victim assistance. Its activities have improved outcomes for victims and survivors.
Develop & advocate for laws and policy that advance victims’ rights and address victims’ needs.
Participate with the international authorities such as the United Nations and other regional authorities such as the Council of Europe on strategies aim to prevent victimisation and reduce harm.
Encourage responses that protect victims, especially those prone to victimisation, including women, children, refugees and migrants.
Educate government personnel and non-government employees on Victimology, victims’ rights and evidence-based victim assistance.
Collaborate with the international community on ways to tackle victimisation and to properly address the effects of victimisation.
Goal Two
Increase compliance with international and domestic victims’ rights law.
By drawing attention to acts and omissions contrary to victims’ rights, WSV helps improve the treatment of victims.
Help design and facilitate delivery of victim assistance programmes that match victims’ needs.
Inform individuals, governments, businesses and civil society about their obligations regarding treatment of victims and survivors.
Promote the rights of victims of crime and abuse of power.
Help victims and survivors exercise their rights and access assistance.
Encourage mechanisms to enforce victims’ rights and comply with these obligations
Goal Three
All nations have accessible, fair and just civil, criminal and administrative justice systems.
WSV’s policies, practices and activities have helped make justice systems throughout the world more accessible, more inclusive, just and more equitable for victims and survivors.
Pursue reforms that make criminal justice systems more timely and effective for victims and survivors, without unduly impacting on the rights of the accused.
Encourage justice reforms that benefit victims and survivors, whilst being inclusive of suspects, defendants and offenders’ needs, as well as criminal justice practitioners’ needs.
Recommend ways to make it easier for victims and survivors to interact with those tasked to help them.
Consult victims, survivors and others affected by proposed justice reforms, and ensure as far as reasonably practical that they are given a voice on decisions that affect them.
Sponsor workshops, courses and seminars to enhance Victimological knowledge and skills.
Goal Four
Recognised as a top expert, not-for-profit organisation of excellence.
WSV embraces innovation and improvement, manages resources efficiently, collaborates on and invests in ways to meet members’ expectations and encourages others to become members.