Speakers & rapporteurs


Brent E. Turvey, PhD

Director – The Forensic Criminology Institute
Sitka, Alaska
Title of Presentation
Forensic Victimology: Understanding victim targeting through the lens of Intersectionality, Vulnerability, and the Ecological Model

The purpose of forensic victimology is aimed at accurately, critically, and objectively describing the victim in order to better understand victims, crime, criminals, and forensic issues. It is intended to look beneath victim stereotypes, in a scientific manner, in order to improve the understanding of the dynamics of the criminal act as well as the victims themselves. Perhaps the most beneficial lens for this forensic examination is an intersectional approach. This refers to using psychosocial and other determinant evidence to understand the relationship between crime victims and their vulnerability. Specific variables that require consideration include age, sexual orientation, gender,
nationality, race, ethnicity, poverty (class), and health. The model of intersectionality has been around since the 1980s and has been well established in the scientific literature as having tremendous validity and utility, especially with respect to establishing and understanding specific features of vulnerability is it relates to targeting, which helps to narrow the suspect pool in unsolved cases. This presentation explores how the use of the Ecological Model of Victimology can facilitate forensic victimological assessment through an examination of demonstrative forensic case examples.

Vidia Vasilica Negrea

Restorative trainer and practitioner

Budapest, Hungary
Title of Presentation

From Victimhood to Agency – a Restorative Journey

The presentation will share the personal journey and the lessons learned from a practitioner’s perspective (with a refugee background) who experimented with the implementation of restorative values and practices in the host country and in her country of origin, both of which have a post-communist regime.

Some principles and techniques of restorative practices will be illustrated through stories and cases from 25 years’ experience of working in schools, with families,
communities, and the justice system, aiming to enhance the opportunity to restore or build caring and safe relationships that allow to express, understand and integrate emotions and needs of people into an opportunity of personal growth and shared learning. The Hungarian and Romanian experience shows that regardless of culture, restorative principles are universal, and each intervention can enrich different perspectives for questions about ways of repairing harm and tackling societal or cultural barriers.

Michael O'Connell AM APM

Consulting Victimologist,
Vice President, NGO Alliance on
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Title of Presentation

Guardians of crime victims’ rights: How independent ombudspersons empower crime victims

An independent ombudsperson or commissioner for victims of crime can play a critical role in promoting and upholding the rights of crime victims, including a robust role in monitoring compliance with legislation. In Australia and Canada, victim-focused independent officials provide oversight, investigate complaints, identify systemic issues and hold agencies accountable for their treatment of victims. In South Australia, the
commissioner also assists individual victims by, among other functions, empowering victims to seek legal support. Strengthening victims’ rights through an independent ombudsman can encourage more victims to come forward. It will be argued that an independent ombudsman or commissioner can enhance victims’ rights by amplifying their voices, enforcing their rights, and advocating for their needs. Hence, they contribute to a more just criminal justice system for victims of crime.

Sunitha Krisha

Indian Social Activist &

Chief Functionary & Co- Founder of Prajwala
Title of Presentation

The Journey of a Trafficked Victim-Healing & Prosecution

The presentation will cover the journey of a victim of trafficking and the role of trauma informed services in effective prosecution of organized crime of human trafficking.

Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda

Deputy Executive Director for Normative Support,
UN System Coordination and Programme
Title of Presentation

Addressing violence against women: A victim/survivor centered approach


Dr. M. Priyamvadha

Professor in the Department of Criminology, and former Head of the Department of Women’s Studies, University of Madras.

Michael O'Connell AM APM

Consulting Victimologist,
Vice President, NGO Alliance on
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice