World Society of Victimology
Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the leading authority of the Society and carries out all decisions under the mandate of the General Membership. It is composed of 15 members; 12 elected, three co-opted, so that as wide a geographic representation as possible is achieved. The Executive Committee consists of the:
- President: who is the principal representative of the Society and chairs each meeting of the Executive Committee and of the General Assembly.
- Vice-President: who acts on behalf of the President in the event of absence and also takes responsibility for managing work in progress delegated by the President.
- Second Vice-President: (if required): a second Vice-President may be appointed to supervise additional work in progress, if required by the Executive Committee.
- Treasurer: the Treasurer is in charge of the Society’s financial activities and reports annually to the Executive Committee and to the members on the financial status of the Society. The Treasurer also chairs the Budget Committee and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee on all financial matters.
- Secretary-General: the Secretary General is the second representative of the organization in relation to external affairs. S/he also prepares minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the General Assembly. S/he supervises all ballots carried out under the provisions of Section 8. In the absence of the Secretary General, another member of the Executive Committee (with the exception of the President) may be appointed to carry out these duties.
- Co-opted Members: In order to ensure international representation and a rounded pool of knowledge and experience, the Executive Committee can invite individual WSV members in good standing to join the Committee as co-opted members.
Gema Varona
Director of the Basque Institute of Criminology
University of the Basque Country
Carlos Santamaria Center, Plaza Elhuyar 2
20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain
Vice Presidents

Jo-Anne Wemmers
1st vice president
School of Criminology
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant, bureau C-4124

Dr.Bhanu Prakash
2nd Vice President
Assistant Professor and Director,
Centre for Victimological Research and Victim Assistance (CVRVA)
School of Law, RV University.
Secretary general
Dr. Jaco Barkhuizen
Head of Department and Associate Professor
University of Limpopo C/O R71 Tzaneen Road and University Street Mankweng Township, Polokwane, Limpopo Province University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus Old Admin Block, Ground Floor Sovenga, 0727
Prof. Dr. Ass. jur., Dipl.-Krim. Peter Schaefer
Mediator Professur
für Familienrecht und Kinder- und Jugendhilferecht Hochschule Niederrhein/Fachbereich Sozialwesen
Richard-Wagner-Str. 101 D- 41065 Mönchengladbach
Elected Members

Dr. Janice O. Joseph
Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice
Stockton University
101 Vera King Farris Drive
Galloway, NJ 08205-9441
Tele: 609-652-4312
[email protected]
Dr. Dawn Beichner-Thomas
Department of Criminal Justice Sciences
Women’s & Gender Studies
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-5250
[email protected]
DR. Reyna Faride Peña Castillo
Victimological Clinical Attention and Research
Psychology Faculty
Autonoma Yucatán University
Chadley James
Dr. Beulah Shekhar
Director Prism Research & Development
Tamil Nadu
Chair Professor
New Delhi
Sanjeev P. Sahni
Co-opted Members
Lorena Contreras
Felicity Tepper
Australian National University
Samuel Musisiva
Democratic Republic of Congo
general committees

United Nations Liasion Committee: WSV

Membership and Advancement Committee: WSV

Standard and Norms Committee: WSV

Communication Committee