
Vidia Vasilica Negrea

Vidia Negrea is a restorative practitioner and lecturer living in Budapest, Hungary, a former trustee and regional representative of the International Institute for
Restorative Practices (IIRP, US) in Central and Eastern Europe. Although her working experience started in Romania as a social science teacher, she had to flee to Hungary where her work with juvenile delinquents led to the development of interventions aiming to respond to the needs of those affected by crimes. Building on her clinical psychologist background and an internship at the IIRP, she has been working for more than two decades as a facilitator, trainer and consultant to disseminate and implement restorative practices in Hungary and lately in Romania through projects in education, communities and justice system. Her restorative experiments led to the implementation of restorative processes in different areas such as: preparing the release from the prison
and healing victims of crime (Hungary), supporting the social inclusion of vulnerable groups or communities (Romania; Refugees’ Camp in Belgium), tackling school bullying (schools and children group homes, Hungary), improving workplace climate (Hungary and Romania).
Since 2022 she (re)started her work in the field of victim support service, while continues to help schools and larger communities to implement restorative principles. She holds a university degree in philosophy (Cluj Napoca, Romania), clinical psychology (Budapest, Hungary) and a certificate degree in restorative practices (Bethlehem, US)