World Society of Victimology

Become a Member
Benefits of Membership
Members’ benefits:
- Members may attend the General Assembly and vote on WSV matters, and vote on matters on request of the President.
- Members may nominate and elect members of the Executive Committee and WSV Awardees.
- National and regional societies and associations who are members of the WSV may send a representative to all Executive Committee meetings.
- Reduced registration fees for the triennial Symposium on Victimology. Members may vote on WSV issues.
- WSV’s newsletter, such as The Victimologist.
- Individual members receive a discount in subscribing to the International Review of Victimology.
- Individual members receive a discount in subscribing to the International Perspectives on Victimology.
- Individual members receive a discount in subscribing to the Restorative Justice: An International Journal (RJIJ).
- Members will have access to Member Only information and sections of the WSV web site.
- To fulfill its mission, the WSV has developed standing committees. Members are encouraged to actively participate in the work of the Society. If you’re interested in more information on working on or with a committee, please see our Committees page, and contact the head of the Committee or Committees you are interested in joining.
Membership Application (Renewal) Form
Copy-and-paste the following into your word processor, then print out the form. Fill out the form and then fax or mail it to the address found at the end of the form.
Membership Fees
Membership fees structure (fees in Euros)
Student Membership:
Student Membership is for one year. Student Identification is required. Euro 15.00
Student Membership Special Offer The Student Membership Special Offer is for one year Euro 35.00 BUT we give you two additional consecutive years for free with this offer.
Regular Membership:
Regular Membership is for one year Euro 40.00
Regular Membership Special Offer: Regular Membership Special Offer is for one year Euro 100.00 BUT we give you two additional consecutive years for free with this offer.
Institutional Membership:
Institutional Membership Special Offer is for one year Euro 100,00 BUT we give you two additional consecutive years for free with this offer.
For Life Membership, please inquire per email to the Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Peter Schaefer, email : peter.schaefer@hs-niederrhein.
Membership Application (Renewal) Form
Payment process
Select your payment method below. You can pay: via credit card through our secure payment system, or via banking transfer. In all cases, send a copy of this completed membership application to the Treasurer:
You can purchase your membership online via credit card, using the WSV’s secure system, via WorldPay’s credit card processing system. Go to: Join the WSV – online payment
Select the membership type you wish (remembering you must meet the critera for the membership type selected), and click “Buy”. You will be taken to WorldPay’s secure credit card processing system where you can enter your payment information.
Please note: Upon successful payment you will receive an email with your Transaction Number. Please include the Transaction Number below when you submit your application, so we can confirm your registration with the appropriate membership type:
(1) WorldPay Transaction Number: _____________________
(2) Bank transfer payment in Euros to:
Bank: Gladbacher Bank AG
Mönchengladbach, Germany
Bank code: 310 601 81
Account: 5084737013
IBAN: DE59 3106 0181 5084 7370 13
(Remember to send this application form separately to the Treasurer)
Prof. Dr. Peter Schäfer
Professur für Familien-, Kinder- und Jugendhilferecht
Fachbereich Sozialwesen
Hochschule Niederrhein
University of Applied Sciences
Richard-Wagner-Straße 101, 41065 Mönchengladbach, Gebäude R, Raum R303
Tel.: +49 (0)2161 186-5628
E-Mail: [email protected]
Reduced fees for applicants from countries designated low income by the United Nations
The Treasurer is authorized to reduce fees for applicants from countries designated low income by the United Nations. For more information, communicate with the Treasurer
Refund Policy
- Applications for Refunds need to be made to the Treasurer Prof. Dr. Peter Schäfer, [email protected] by email
- There will be no refunds of payments for a one year student membership.
- The one year regular memberships are subject to the same refund entitlement as the one year special offer memberships.
- The one year special offer memberships (one year paid and two years free) are entitled to a refund. This refund is subject to a 17.50 Euro administration fee that WorldPay charges World Society of Victimology as a “Charge-Back Fee”.
- Members requiring refunds on the one-year special deal membership are only entitled to a refund within the first year after payment.